"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." - Michael Jordan

SCL offers small- and large-group training programs on the communication skills that business leaders and managers depend on today. Our programs consistently garner top scores on participant evaluations because they are relevant, engaging, highly personalized to each individual, and immediately applicable to on-the-job situations. We attribute this to our consultants having both strong business acumen as well as in-depth expertise in the communication skills that are needed to succeed.

Many clients use SCL programs to kick off large-scale business initiatives such as organizational restructuring, new product roll-outs, sales campaigns, or changes in business strategy. Others use us within select areas of the organization to continue to hone communication skills across a variety of areas, including but not limited to:

  • Presentation & Pitching Skills
  • Negotiations
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Effectively Leading & Aligning Teams
  • Developing  “Executive” Presence & Gravitas
  • Empowerment & Productivity

Our people like the SCL programs because they don’t feel like training. Everyone gets very engaged in the dialogue because it’s so relevant to their business issues. SCL’s techniques have become part of our corporate culture.

- Director, Field Effectiveness; multinational professional services firm